Just published -- the first book that can help the CEO, and those who want to be CEOs, see their strategic path from the perspective of destiny. Endorsed by more than 20 leading academics and CEOs The single factor influencing the best strategic decisions is a solid understanding of an organization's Purpose.
What really drives corporate decision making? In his groundbreaking book, "Purpose: The Starting Point of Great Companies," world-renowned thought leader Nikos Mourkogiannis finds that the single factor influencing the best strategic decisions is a solid understanding of an organization's Purpose.
Conventional wisdom suggests that companies exist primarily to return investment to shareholders. But, the author contends, running a company with only that end in mind is a sure-fire way to kill it. Mourkogiannis turns the idea of leadership on its head -- and shows that the choice between values and success is no choice at all. Rather than organization or structure, he argues that ideas are what cause companies to go from good to great. Drawing on examples from across multiple industries, Mourkogiannis demonstrates how a strong Purpose is the essential first step toward lasting success.
The author shows that Purpose not only provides the raw materials from which competitive advantage is created, but also shapes the patterns of behavior that enable these raw materials to fit together. Mourkogiannis reveals how Purpose provides the CEO with direction and focus, as well as acting as a consistent guide for everyone in the organization to make the countless small decisions that add up to a strategic position.
"Purpose: The Starting Point of Great Companies" provides a lens through which a company's strengths can be viewed, and concise guidance as to how best these strengths can be leveraged. "Enduring institutions -- those that have stood the test of time -- create value for society and base their code of conduct on values. In this context, Purpose is far more than the starting point of great companies, it is the centerline that guides institutions to greatness and significance over time.
Nikos Mourkogiannis shows leaders the way to set direction and navigate the tides of growth and change." Ralph W. Shrader, Ph.D., Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Booz Allen Hamilton For more information about the book or to order a copy, please visit http://www.purposethebook.com