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Thursday, May 28, 2009

INVESTOR ALERT :: Top 3 Investments for Q3-2009

Our research teams are doing a phenomenal job. They are right on the money again!
Here are our Top 3 Investment Recommendations for Q3-2009 (June, July, Aug)
The Main Point (Theme):  Sell US Equities*
Conservative Investors: (Buy)
- US Inflation Indexed Treasuries & High Yield Bond (Munis & Corporates)
Moderate Risk Investors: (Buy)
- High Yield Bonds (Munis & Corporates)
Aggressive Investors:  (Buy)         
- Asia Pacific Rim & India Stock Market Indices, Commodities (via ETFs)
You should implement these strategies in your portfolio by June 15th, 2009 for maximum benefit. To read our other recommendations visit us online or call your Millennium Lyon - Investment Advisor today.



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Victor Lloyd Smith

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FDIC says number of "problem banks" to increase

About a fifth of the country's banks are in trouble, and more "problem banks" are likely, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said. The 8,200 FDIC-insured banks saw their collective income plunge more than 60% year on year. "The first-quarter results are telling us that the banking industry still faces tremendous challenges and that, going forward, asset quality remains a major concern," FDIC Chairwoman Sheila Bair said. "Bank failures continued to mount, and they will continue to do so."

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Victor Lloyd Smith

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Program to rid banks of troubled assets might be put on hold

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. is creating the Legacy Loans Program, part of the Public-Private Investment Program, but sources said the bad-loan program is foundering and might be put on hold. Concerns that the program's rules might change led to reluctance on the part of prospective buyers and sellers. Also, some banks are less interested in the program as they start to stabilize.

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Victor Lloyd Smith

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Economists predict "W-shaped" recovery

Many economists think the economic recovery will be "W shaped," meaning the economy might go up and down before resuming a course of growth. Most recoveries since the 1940s have been V shaped. This time, the Federal Reserve and other central banks have been injecting trillions of dollars into the global economy, meaning a sharp rise in inflation could fuel a bouncy ride ahead, observers said.

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Victor Lloyd Smith

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PwC says U.S. needs "bad bank" -- and soon

PricewaterhouseCoopers expects the government to establish a "bad bank" and thinks it should do so quickly. "The crisis is about to enter a new phase where efforts to remove troubled assets from bank balance sheets must be accelerated," the accountancy firm said. "U.S. government interventions to date have stabilized individual institutions but have not created a functioning market and pricing mechanism and therefore have had little impact on reviving the broader markets."


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Victor Lloyd Smith

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Build Legacy Capital: #1 on Google

We're #1 on Google (AGAIN)
Check out these great search terms.  Tell your friends and business contacts to "Google" them too.
        and of course
Have a great weekend.


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Victor Lloyd Smith

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U.S. To Lose Triple-A (AAA) Credit Rating (Part 2)

Concerns that the credit rating of government debt might be downgraded prompted a slump in Treasuries, U.S. stocks and the dollar, as well as a pledge from Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to reduce the budget deficit. "It's very important that this Congress and this president put in place policies that will bring those deficits down to a sustainable level over the medium term," Geithner said.
U.S. to see credit rating downgrade in a few years, Gross says: Bill Gross, co-chief investment officer of Pimco, said the country will face a credit rating downgrade in "three to four years, if that, but the market will recognize the problems before the rating services -- just like it did today." Gross e-mailed Reuters saying Thursday's market declines could be attributed to investor concerns that the U.S. is "going the way of the U.K. -- losing triple-A rating, which affects all financial assets and the dollar." Reuters 



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Victor Lloyd Smith

Millennium Lyon Asset Management

Phone:    917-653-4406

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Positive Psychology: Harnessing the power of happiness

— Learn how to use positive psychology to improve your overall health and well-being with this special report from the experts at Harvard Medical School. 30% off and free shipping for Legacy Capital readers.

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Victor Lloyd Smith

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Financial turmoil creates opportunities for smaller firms

Williams Capital Group, a New York broker-dealer and asset manager that is African-American owned, is one of the lesser-known firms that is capitalizing on opportunities presented by the financial crisis. "Companies appear a bit more open to broadening their universe of relationships," said CEO Chris Williams, who founded the company. "We're not a major firm, so if someone only wants to do business with the top four or five firms, we may not be on the list. But as companies broaden their relationships, we are being included more often than we had been in the past."

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Victor Lloyd Smith

Millennium Lyon Asset Management

Phone:    917-653-4406

Fax:        888-802-8170





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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Senate weighs plan for government health insurance

Look out Aetna, Humana and UnitedHealthcare. Senators are meeting behind closed doors to consider whether the federal government should jump into the health insurance business.
The government already covers medical care for seniors, disabled people, poor families and many children. But coverage in those programs is restricted to people who meet certain qualifications, including age and income.
The issue now is whether middle-class workers and their families should be offered the choice of joining a government-sponsored plan similar to what they get through their employers.

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Victor Lloyd Smith

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Obama administration to expand housing plan

The Obama administration is expected to expand its mortgage aid program on Thursday, announcing new measures that would help homeowners avoid a blemished credit record even if they don't qualify for other assistance.
The new initiatives are expected to include ways to allow borrowers to avoid foreclosure by selling their properties or giving them back to lenders, according to people briefed on the plan who declined to be identified because it has yet to be announced.

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Victor Lloyd Smith

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

U.S. to Lose Triple-A Credit Rating

Signs are emerging that there is eroding confidence in the country's ability to maintain solid credit ratings, former Comptroller General David Walker writes. That instability would only worsen with costly health care reform or a failure by the government to rein in its budget process. "The U.S. government has had a triple-A credit rating since 1917, but it is unclear how long this will continue to be the case," Walker writes.

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Legacy Capital: The Driving Force of the American Dream



Victor Lloyd Smith

Millennium Lyon Asset Management

Phone:    917-653-4406

Fax:        888-802-8170





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Forclosures Spike in April 2009

Foreclosures: 'April was a shocker'
 A record number of foreclosure filings took place during April, but the number of repossessions fell 11%.


Foreclosures in April exceeded even March's blistering pace with a record 342,000 homes receiving notices of default, auction notices or undergoing bank repossessions, according to a regular industry report.


One of every 374 U.S. homes received a filing during the month, the highest monthly rate that RealtyTrac, an online marketer of foreclosed properties, has recorded in four-plus years of record keeping. 

full article


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Legacy Capital: The Driving Force of the American Dream



Victor Lloyd Smith

Millennium Lyon Asset Management

Phone:    917-653-4406

Fax:        888-802-8170





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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Medicare & Social Security Collapse - Sooner than Expected

Social Security and Medicare are fading even faster under the weight of the recession, heading for insolvency years sooner than previously expected, the government warned Tuesday. Social Security will start paying out more in benefits than it collects in taxes in 2016, a year sooner than projected last year, and the giant trust fund will be depleted by 2037, four years sooner, trustees reported.
Medicare is in even worse shape. The trustees said the program for hospital expenses will pay out more in benefits than it collects this year, just as it did for the first time in 2008. The trustees project that the Medicare fund will be depleted by 2017, two years earlier than the date projected in last year's report.

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Legacy Capital: The Driving Force of the American Dream



Victor Lloyd Smith

Millennium Lyon Asset Management

Phone:    917-653-4406

Fax:        888-802-8170





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U.S. Credit Rating At Risk

The United States is at risk of losing its triple-A credit rating unless it starts putting its finances in order, a former head of the agency in charge of fiscal accountability said in the Financial Times on Wednesday.

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Legacy Capital: The Driving Force of the American Dream



Victor Lloyd Smith

Millennium Lyon Asset Management

Phone:    917-653-4406

Fax:        888-802-8170





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Monday, May 11, 2009

FYI: Legacy Capital: Get Your Free Copy


Legacy Capital: The Driving Force of the American Dream



Victor Lloyd Smith

Millennium Lyon Asset Management

Phone:    917-653-4406

Fax:        888-802-8170






Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Banks Tightened Lending Standards (Q1-2009)

The Federal Reserve's survey of senior loan officers found that banks continued to tighten lending standards in February through April, putting additional pressure on consumers and businesses. However, the survey found indications that the tightening might be starting to abate. For example, 80% of U.S.. banks tightened standards for commercial real estate loans in January, while 65% did so in the past three months.

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Legacy Capital: The Driving Force of the American Dream


Victor Lloyd Smith

Millennium Lyon Asset Management

Phone:    917-653-4406

Fax:        888-802-8170




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10 Major Banks Need More Capital

Although the exact number is being debated, about 10 of the 19 banks involved in the government's stress tests need to boost their capital, sources said. Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and regional banks are expected to be on the list. By raising capital, the financial sector might curb investor concerns. However, investor fears already seem to be abating as bank stocks soared Monday.


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Victor Lloyd Smith

Millennium Lyon Asset Management


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Legacy Capital Book: Get Your Free Copy

Finally the book is in stock. Hot off the press!
Here's a sneak peek; a powerful quote from the Introduction.

"One of the biggest problems in America is consumerism. Americans

are taught to spend, spend, spend, and when there is nothing left to

do, spend a little more. Unfortunately, most people pre-spend their

earnings before money actually hits their bank account. This leaves

them in a debtor position month after month.


To add more fuel to the spending woes, many people are living under

an illusion that their gross income is the magic number they have to

work with. This is truly not the case. My goal is to show you how to

get the most from the money you are earning today while building a

strong financial engine for the future."

Legacy Capital: The Driving Force of the American Dream

Victor Lloyd Smith


I'm sure you'll enjoy the book.  Give your feedback and share your story with our online network.


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Legacy Capital: The Driving Force of the American Dream


Victor Lloyd Smith

Millennium Lyon Asset Management


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Stock Market Bubble About to POP

Stock Market Bubble About to POP
Does the recent market rally really signify a BULL MARKET?  Is the worst over?
Here's what one of our investment managers has to say...
"The recent financial sector rally started after accounting changes were approved for the big banks. They all reported profits last quarter. But the bad news is if it were not for those accounting changes, all of the big banks would have announced significant losses. I always hate it when accounting changes try to make the banks look better than they really are.
...everyone would like to see the stock market rebound and the new bull market start as soon as possible, but looking at the economy and stock market through "ROSE COLORED GLASSES" is almost always a severe investing mistake."
-Paul Dietrch  (CEO/CIO Foxhall Capital)
Don't get fooled by the recent stock rally.  Global economic fundamentals are getting WORSE.  There at least two more waves of major writedowns to hit the global banking system (2009 - 2010).  The consumer economy is taking it on the chin.  Stay focused on increasing income and protecting cash flow with our team at Millennium Lyon.

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Victor Lloyd Smith

Millennium Lyon Asset Management


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Monday, May 04, 2009

Obama Plans to Close Tax Loopholes

President Barack Obama is proposing to close tax loopholes for companies and individuals with operations or bank accounts overseas.

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Victor Lloyd Smith

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Friday, May 01, 2009

RETIREMENT CRASH Looms: US Treasury Gets Ready

Treasury appointment emphasizes retirement issues
J. Mark Iwry was named senior adviser to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and deputy assistant secretary for retirement and health policy. Iwry is a principal with the Retirement Security Project and considered a longtime retirement expert. InvestmentNews 

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Victor Lloyd Smith

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Banks Fuss Over STRESS TEST Results

Debate over findings of stress tests delays release
The Federal Reserve was scheduled next Monday to publish results of the stress tests of the nation's 19 largest banks, but debate over the preliminary findings prompted the Fed to delay the release. The Fed might not disclose the results until the end of next week, sources said. Regulators, bank executives and other market participants are concerned about the handling of the release. 


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Victor Lloyd Smith

Millennium Lyon Asset Management


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