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Monday, August 28, 2006

Finding a financial planner

Finding a financial planner can be exercise in frustration
Picking the Right Planner

It Takes Homework To Choose From A Confusing ArrayMany people are comfortable handling their own investments. But many others, such as Gambrell, lack the time, expertise or inclination to go it alone. Unfortunately, finding the right adviser can seem as confusing as trying to navigate the complex world of financial investments did in the first place.

full article

Lower Housing Prices May Signal Economic Downturn

Read Between All Those For-Sale Signs
REAL bubbles pop.

They are fully formed one moment and gone the next. Financial bubbles rarely meet with such a definitive end, which has always been the biggest problem with the metaphor. They let out their air in unpredictable bursts, and it’s usually impossible to figure out whether they have finished deflating or are just starting to. Still, the latest housing numbers seem like they could be a turning point. A real estate crash might not be the most likely outcome, but it certainly seems legitimate to think about what one would look like.

Trends In Real Estate Sales

Lower Housing Prices May Signal Economic Downturn

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Tax MAtters: When it pays to stay single

When it pays to stay single

Though being married offers a number of financial advantages, being single also has some clear-cut benefits. Learn how it affects taxes, credit, debt and other key issues.

full story

Friday, August 18, 2006

College costs are rising again

College costs are rising again
Although the final numbers aren't in yet, it appears that the cost of college is rising again, with tuition, room, board and fees for the upcoming academic year all increasing from last year.

Your Retirement's at Stake. New Laws Go Into Effect

Bush signs pension reform into law
President George W. Bush signed into law a massive overhaul of U.S. pension laws on Thursday, revamping how Americans will plan for their retirement and opening new opportunities for financial advisers, mutual funds and the rest of the personal-finance industry. The new law "provides a needed and welcome booster shot for baby boomers and everyone else preparing for retirement," said Marc Lackritz, president of the Securities Industry Association.

Pension reform to create millions of 401(k) investors
Fund managers are predicting new pension rules will prompt 10 million or more people to jump into the retirement savings pool. Fund companies are expected to benefit from extended contribution limits becoming permanent and automatic enrollment plans.

Setup a low cost 401K for your business

Small businesses still lag in 401(k) plans
Small businesses mistakenly think that setting up a 401(k) plan for their employees is too expensive. Part of the reason is that the 401(k) industry is aimed mostly at larger targets, according to one expert. (more)

Call Tax Pros to setup low cost benefits and retirement plans for your business. we'll show you how to make it work without breaking the bank.
Call: 718-875-0556

Ready to Start Your Own Business?

Ditching the daily grind - 5 who did it
Former executives say that it was rough at times, but that starting their own business was the ultimate promotion. (more)

5 deadly mistakes when starting a business
Becoming your own boss can be a dream come true - if you're willing to learn from other people's nightmares. (more)

Are you ready to start a business?
Being your own boss may sound great, but not everyone has what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur. Do you? (more)

Friday, August 11, 2006

Financial Services: Branch office managers on the decline

Branch office managers on the decline

Registered Rep magazine says the number of branch office managers in the business appears to be declining. A rise in the number of registered representatives striking out on their own as independents, as well as an increase in merger activity among large Wall Street firms, are cited for the trend.

Full Story

Friday, August 04, 2006

Networking Tips To Live By

Networking Tips, I try to live by
by Evantz
  • Become a resource center by offering help andadvice whenever possible.
  • Think about seminars, conferences,exhibitions, trains or planes etc. Where there are people there arebusiness opportunities
  • Join networking clubs.These are the safe havens for people who are new to, or feeluncomfortable with networking
  • Know. Like. Trust.These are the 3 pillars on which all business relationships rest.Networking is the activity to build those pillars.
  • Give first…receive second must be the attitude when youstart networking. If you only think “what’s in it for me?” you are unlikely to attract new contacts andbusiness.
Join the Tax Pros business network to take your business to new heights.
We meet on Wed @ 7PM. Register today.

For more info... Call: 718-875-0556 Web:

So You Want To Borrow Some Money?

So You Want To Borrow Some Money?

Virtually all businesses, at some point, need to borrow money. The question is, how do you convince someone to lend it to you? Although most new ventures are initially financed by the resources of family and friends, at some point it will probably be necessarily to approach a commercial lender.

What does a lender look for? What criteria do they use? Learn how to prepare a winning proposal for your small-business loan from the SmallBiz Advisor.

Click on: So You Want To Borrow Some Money?

Making Meetings Matter

Making Meetings Matter

There's no shortage of meetings in project management. But effective meetings are another matter. Accelerated work sessions are an alternative. They can improve team coordination and spur progress. Here are six tips to help you understand and implement facilitated work sessions.

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Sales in Professional Services

Sales in Professional Services

Join Primavera and Michael McLaughlin, Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP, for an on demand webcast focusing on strategies for winning the professional services sale. At the end of the session, you'll understand why -- andhow -- buyer behavior has evolved, and you'll have strategies to win in the era of the new buyer.

Register today for our exclusive webinar!

China's Surprising Teen Consumers

China's Surprising Teen Consumers

As a new McKinsey report suggests, creators of consumer products need to understand the unusual mindset of mainland youth.

Full Story

She's An Angel

She's An Angel

Women back women's startups. An interesting look into women financiers helping women business builders.

Click here

Dealing With Small Business Disasters

Dealing With Small Business Disasters

Sometimes your entrepreneurial dream becomes a nightmare, but life-and business-do go on.

Full Story

Venture Capital: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

Venture Capital: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

A veteran entrepreneur tells you what you should know about venturecapital before you sign on the dotted line

Money for your business

Step-by-Step Guide to Practical IT Disaster Recovery Planning

Step-by-Step Guide to Practical IT Disaster Recovery Planning

Learn key steps for ensuring your disaster recovery plan will succeed on deployment and continue to be practical as your IT needs evolve. Join our discussion with Eric Jackson as he outlines how to improve disaster recovery planning by:- Identifying critical processes and resources - Developing realistic and necessary recovery objectives - Developing a plan to achieve your objectives simply and cost-effectively


India Outsourcers Say Salaries Will Rise

India Outsourcers Say Salaries Will Rise

Warnings about rising pay have tempered a strong set of financialresults from India's leading IT companies

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The Rise of Strategic Outsourcing

The Rise of Strategic Outsourcing

Call center outsourcing, which used to comprise the majorityof outsourcing deals in India, is taking a backseat to more strategic projects such as handling insurance claims and overseeing payroll. The proof, according to Business Week: Just 35 percent of outsourcing contractor Satyam's business process outsourcing employees are in call centers today, down from 60 percent 18 months ago.

The Communication Imperative

The Communication Imperative

Business managers must create an environment in which team membersunderstand that communication is part of their job description. They should becomfortable sharing bad as well as good news, and encouraged to offersolutions. It all starts with upholding your end of the bargain.

Be a great communicator!

Never Panic: How to handle a business slowdown

Never Panic: How to handle a business slowdown
By Tom Regan

When you work at home, particularly if you do freelance work, the day will come when that work will end it is time for you to move on. Don't panic. Sometimes the reason that work goes away has nothing to do with your work or attitude. It just happens. I always plan for two or three crises a year, because I know they are going to happen. People don't always know when an earthquake will come, but they can build the kind of structures that can withstand one.

Read on to improve your resiliency: Never Panic

Make The Most Of Change

Make The Most Of Change
By Bill Weber

Owning or running a small business puts you in line for a lot of changes. Gas prices go up and your bottom line goes down. One of your two staff people goes out on six weeks of unplanned medical leave, leaving you to cover her work -- and yours. That order for 1,000 widgets suddenly explodes to 10,000, due yesterday. The rent goes up. The server goes down.

Any way you look at it, change comes. It’s what you make of it that counts. Grow with the flow.
Read the article

Senate approves overhaul of U.S. pension system

Senate approves overhaul of U.S. pension system

The U.S. Senate last night approved a massive overhaul of the nation's pension system. The legislation, which now heads to the White House for President George W. Bush's signature, adds funding requirements for companies with traditional pension plans, strengthens the pension insurance system and loosens the rules that prevent financial service companies from providing individual advice to 401(k) investors.

Full Story

IRS, Canadian officials uncover illegal tax shelter

IRS, Canadian officials uncover illegal tax shelter

Tax officials from the U.S. and Canada say they have uncovered a cross-border tax shelter scheme involving hundreds of wealthy investors and millions of dollars in improper deductions.

Full Story

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

U.S. Government to cut entitlement and retirement programs

U.S. Government spends too much on entitlement programs

Paulson wants bipartisan action .S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson used his first public speech since taking over for John Snow to show he understands the state of the economy, acknowledging that the government is spending too much on entitlement programs and that the wage gap is growing.

Client Impact:

When planning for retirement consider an overall reduction in government retirement program benefits, plus increased taxes. "Entitlement programs" include: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. As more baby boomers begin to drwa on their Medicare and Social Security retirement benefits, states and federal goverment agencies will feel the pinch. The increasing costs will result in tightening measures.

What should you do?

  • Update your retirement plan with your Tax Pros advisor.
  • Increase your savings for retirment to cover Social Security payments.
  • Review and confirm all sources of retirement income (work pensions, 401K, government)
  • Obtain Long Term Care Insurance as early as possible.
  • Learn about IAB Health Benefits for preventative care (doctor visits, check-ups, dentist, eye care). One membership covers your entire family, household.

Call Tax Pros for more information 718-875-0556.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Free advice from 100 financial planners

Wary consumers can get free advice from 100 financial planners

More than 100 financial planners will gather at the Los Angeles Convention Center later this week to offer free, one-on-one financial counseling. The event, sponsored by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, is billed as no-strings-attached.

There's no question that consumers could use professional help to make sense of it all, but only a tiny fraction of Americans seek assistance from financial planners. Sarah Ball Teslik (chief executive of the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards in Denver) thinks she knows why.

"Some are embarrassed," she said. "They don't want to come in and say that they have credit-card debt." Others are simply befuddled, she said, feeling incapable of even asking the right questions. They assume Uncle Fred will be more tolerant of ignorant queries — and won't bill by the hour.

full story

To get your financial plan started, call Tax Pros (718) 875-0556.
You will learn about how the Wealth Builder Program can improve your finances in six simple steps.

Investors using patented tax strategies

Investors find themselves in court for using patented tax strategies

When John Rowe set up two trusts funded with nonqualified stock options, the idea was to create a steady stream of income for retirement. What he got was a lawsuit from Wealth Transfer Group, an advisory group that claims to have a patent on the strategy.

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ETF Funds Evolve

ETF funds evolve

Exchange-traded funds have been considered a good investment for those looking to avoid having to overanalyze their investment moves, but in some cases newer ETFs are acting more like mutual funds as they become more customized. The SEC is scrutinizing new ETFs to determine if they are being actively managed.

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Pension Plans and Tax Reform

Pension Plans and Tax Reform

The U.S. House of Representatives approved a pension reform bill late Friday in a 279-131 vote. The bill includes provisions to boost participation in 401(k) retirement plans, while imposing tougher penalties for companies that don't meet their pension obligations.