Stock Market Bubble About to POP
Does the recent market rally really signify a BULL MARKET? Is the worst over?
Here's what one of our investment managers has to say...
"The recent financial sector rally started after accounting changes were approved for the big banks. They all reported profits last quarter. But the bad news is if it were not for those accounting changes, all of the big banks would have announced significant losses. I always hate it when accounting changes try to make the banks look better than they really are.
...everyone would like to see the stock market rebound and the new bull market start as soon as possible, but looking at the economy and stock market through "ROSE COLORED GLASSES" is almost always a severe investing mistake."
-Paul Dietrch (CEO/CIO Foxhall Capital)
Don't get fooled by the recent stock rally. Global economic fundamentals are getting WORSE. There at least two more waves of major writedowns to hit the global banking system (2009 - 2010). The consumer economy is taking it on the chin. Stay focused on
increasing income and protecting cash flow with our team at Millennium Lyon.
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Legacy Capital: The Driving Force of the American Dream
Victor Lloyd Smith
Millennium Lyon Asset Management
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